Saturday, January 16, 2010

What I'm Working On...

I just finished playing the piano and found myself thinking that since, miracle upon miracles, I've actually started on a couple of these goals, crossed off one or two, and have fulfilled a few of the monthly ones already, I should wander over to my computer and make an update before school starts and I get really busy.

Yesterday, Bertie and I went to the vet to get the booster shot for one of her vaccines, and while I was there, I had her claws trimmed and another dose of flea medication applied. That covers goals #85 and #86 (trim her nails once a month and get rid of her fleas). She had just a few fleas hanging on around her face (I think they were burrowing under her collar), so I took off her collar for a bit and hopefully that will finally take care of the last of them. Woop!

[Out and About]
I spent yesterday evening and this morning making lists of the museums in SF that I need to see, as well as of a bunch of places I want to go see in Northern CA. I think I have way more things to do than weekends, though, so we'll see....I might post the lists at some other point, in case anyone is interested (I don't want to make this entry gigantic).

As I mentioned, I've been practicing piano on and off (hopefully practice time won't get stomped by school). I've been revamping a couple of my old favorites: Schubert's Impromptu in G flat Major and some Chopin--Waltz in D flat Major (better known as the Minute Waltz) and Nocturne in E flat Major.

I've also been working on the first of the "5 new pieces of music" from goal #12, another Chopin, Nocturne in D flat Major. I'm hoping to do something from Mendelssohn's Songs without Words collection as well. I just ordered the book from Amazon but haven't decided which piece to do yet, though. Maybe Op19-1? While I'm on the subject, I guess I should just go ahead and make the list of what I'm thinking of doing now...

"5 New Pieces of Music"
(1)Chopin, Nocturne in D flat Major
(2) Mendelssohn
(3) Rachmaninoff Prelude in C-sharp Minor
(4) Chopin's Fantasie Impromptu
(5) ?

[Other Junk]
I also looked up volunteer opportunities at the Alameda County Community Food Bank, places to drop off the pile of old clothes that Laura and I have been accumulating, and have a goofy "just because" card ready to send off to someone who could use a smile. I've been watching the news on TV since I've been sitting around at home and worked a bit on donating at freerice (and realized that I don't know Eastern European geography at all in the process).

Anyway, there were a couple of other things, but I'm planning on making some sort of summary post at the end of January, so I'll leave those for later. I feel like I'm off to a good start, but who knows how long it'll last....

Hope everyone is having a good month.

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