Sunday, August 1, 2010


Clearly I've failed Goal #16 about updating this blog once a month.

But it hasn't been all bad! I had a really awful semester trying to get my thesis done while fighting with my own inertia and dread of turning the monster in. That said, I got to cross off two goals (graduating and finishing my thesis) in May, and at some point (probably in April), I went to the career center for an appointment, so there goes another goal.

I've more or less kept up with cooking new things every month - I've been taking pictures to document my weird culinary experiments, but I don't want to post all of them and make this into a giant wall of text/photos. I learned to make french toast, roasted Brussels sprouts, homemade french fries and an egg casserole, among other things (including a few omelettes...I'm getting closer, Goal #76...).

I've been reading a bunch of books since school ended and am making progress on my reading list. I've also been out with friends a lot more to see movies, although off the top of my head, I can't remember if I hit the 'once a month' goal for that. Close enough. My piano pieces are coming closer to completion, although I haven't really started on the art stuff yet.

In June I traveled to Japan and Korea, so that took care of seeing somewhere new in Asia. Korea was a lot of fun and I enjoyed the food and new sights. That also means that I've been to one out of three previously unseen countries, so Goal #92 is in progress.

I've been getting out to new restaurants and coffee shops, albeit slowly, and I've started going out to the museums with a new friend on the free days at the beginning of each month. We saw the SF MOMA last month, and hopefully I will be going somewhere new this coming Tuesday.

I guess that's pretty much it - I'm making some progress, but I think I need to pick up the pace and concentrate a bit more. There are a few goals that I need to adjust, change, or just delete, and of course a few I never set, but I'll write about those when I figure out what to do with them.

Even if I don't end up completing all of these, I think I stand a good chance of hitting the majority, and that makes me feel a lot more motivated to continue. It's a good feeling to physically cross them off the list next to my desk, at least. :)

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you're making good progress. I modified my list recently and noticed that a lot of items require me to devote time and money that I don't have right now. I guess that makes them challenges, but I feel like I need more goals that will allow me to save money. Do you ever feel the same?
